Niricson allows asset owners to inspect their structures more frequently providing them with the actionable insight they need to make maintenance decisions. This prevents assets from deteriorating to the point where catastrophic failures may occur resulting inexpensive and environmentally impactful repair work as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example of asset deterioration curve (Roads) 

Source: The Canadian Infrastructure Report Card: Informing the Future (2019). 2019. Available online: (accessed on 20 May 2021).

Example: Oroville Spillway Repair

117,332 tonnes of cement was used to repair the spillway

1 tonne of cement produces 1 tonne of CO2

~ 117,332 tonnes of CO2 was emitted as a result of the repair

That is equal to the CO2 emitted by almost 20,000 cars per year

Prevention of failures = Prevention of CO2 emissions

Photo Source : DWR